Master economics in Europe

The Master in economics scenes is for me I which always dreamed to leave study to the foreigner after my...

The Master in economics scenes is for me

I which always dreamed to leave study to the foreigner after my Bachelor’s degree, I just fell on the program which I need for lamaîtrise in the economy. All is explained on the site En effect, thanks to European Erasmus program, I could follow a program of the control in the economy. These studies are carried out during two years, I will have lechoix between several universities in France, Germany, Italy and Spain.

All the courses are in English, the programmeest designed by a consortium of European quatre universities: with Spain, France, Germany and Italy, four paysmagnifiques and four places financièresimportantes: Ò Noma of Universitat Aut deBarcelone, Barcelona, Spain Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany Paris 1 Panthéon – university of Sorbonne, FranceUniversità Foscari Venezia, Venice, Italy.


Year opportunity to see of the country and to receive has quality teaching. With whole panel of subjects in connection with the finances will be dispensed ace the Probability, the Statistics, the Econometrics, the Finance, the Actuarial Science, the Mathematical Modelling, the Calculation and the Simulation.

Master economics is completed and interesting

Everything is made in this Master in economics dismantles to prepares the students for the various threads of the world of the economy to work in bank, to the stock exchange, but still in offices accountant …

To reach thesis studies of economic Master’s dismantles, it is necessary to Be has holder of has Bachelor’ S dismantles, to Be good At English oral At the same time to the paper and to and to Be good At mathematical.

This European mobility allows the students to take advantage of strengths of every university. By finishing successfully the program to master economics, we attribute has QEM to the students. With real known sesame all over the world and which is security of for the future recruiters has.

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